Upcoming events
Our friends at Fudoshin Aikido Cardiff are once again hosting Greg Habert for a 4 day seminar at the end of February 2025.
Greg is an inspiring young Aikido teacher from Paris. A superb technician with dynamic, powerful Aikido, Greg's seminars are always worth attending no matter your level of experience.
Seminar details
Friday 28th February, 6pm to 8pm, St John's Parish Hall, Danescourt, Cardiff, CF5 2SH. £20 / £10 concession
Saturday 1st March, 12pm to 3pm, Sport Wales National Centre, Cardiff, CF11 9SW. £30 / £15 concession
Sunday 2nd March, 1pm to 4pm, Ffenics Aikido Club, Sully, CF64 5TF. £30 / £15 concession
Monday 3rd March, 7pm to 9pm, Chapel Arts Centre, Cardiff, CF5 1QE. £30 / £15 concession
This seminar is open to practioners of all levels. Please bring proof of valid insurance and wooden weapons for each session.
For more information please see the Facebook event.